Bottomley Evergreens & Farms, Inc. and Bottomley Properties NC, LLC (Bottomley companies) started clearing land in Alleghany and Surry County along Ramey creek off the Blue Ridge parkway. They claimed this an agriculture operation, which in NC exempts them from all rules of the erosion and sedimentation control. This exemption means they do not need to file any permits, place any erosion controls or leave any trees standing anywhere. Please join us in stopping the destruction of land and trout streams on the Blue Ridge Parkway before this sets a precedent that can continue elsewhere.
Luke Combs Joins the Fight Against Litter
Multi-Platinum country music artist and North Carolina native Luke Combs calls upon North Carolinians to keep the state beautiful and keep litter off roadways.
“We are from one of the most beautiful places in the world, and we need to do our part to help keep it that way,” Combs says in the PSA he recorded for NCDOT’s use.
Read more from the NCDOT here: Luke Combs Joins the Fight Against Litter (ncdot.gov)
Lend a Hand - Care for the Land!
This message is positive and easy to understand. This simple rhyme sums up Woodsy’s mission. Woodsy invites children to see the natural world around them and join him in actions that help care for that world.
Teachers, parents, and childcare workers can use the games and activities to explore Woodsy’s world of trees, wildlife, water, soil, and food.
PDF Here..
For Woodsy Digital Downloads visit https://apps.fs.usda.gov/symbols/digital-downloads-3
Check out these Classic PSAs and Commercials we dug up featuring Woodsy Owl, Sugar Bear, Charlie Brown, George Jetson, and MORE!
Watch More From The Keep America Beautiful Campaign
Watch More Give A Hoot Don’t Pollute Commercials
Do you have a story of an individual, group, or community helping to make our Carolinas cleaner? We would love to hear about it. Fill out the form below.
Please include your valid email address in case we have the need to reach back out to you.
Adopt-A-Highway Program
In response to growing public concern about trash and debris along North Carolina’s roadways, the N.C. Department of Transportation established the Adopt-a-Highway program in 1988. Since then, tens of thousands of volunteers have reduced litter and also saved taxpayers millions of dollars annually in roadside cleanup costs.
Coastal Cleanups
The North Carolina Coastal Federation seeks to involve the community in collecting marine debris to protect our local wildlife and salt marshes. This helps protect local wildlife, salt marshes and marine life. Our cleanups would not be possible without the help of our wonderful volunteers. Every year, we host community organizations, volunteers, school and college groups from around the country to come help keep the North Carolina coast safe and beautiful.