On US Route 74 Feature Segment – Waxhaw NC” is a segment of Carl White’s Life in the Carolinas,. This segment first aired in broadcast syndication May 6, 2017.
Join Carl as he travels to Waxhaw, a small community with a huge appeal! From quaint restaurants and coffee shops with delicious menus to the farmers’ market and local festivals, this little town has something fun for everyone in the family.
Of special interest are the various artisan shops downtown, featuring the unique work of local artists and crafts people.
Carl visits the Duncan MacDonald House where he meets storyteller and historian Gladys Kerr. She explains that MacDonald came to Waxhaw in 1888 “when the train came”. He subsequently became the town’s first postmaster.
Ms. Kerr and Carl engage in a lively conversation about her views on the age-old debate regarding Andrew Jackson’s birthplace. While it is known that the 7th president of the United States was born in Waxhaw, there remain questions about whether he was a South Carolina or North Carolina native as the bounders are today. This confusion stems partly from the fact that the undeveloped area had not been clearly surveyed. Additionally, his mother was in transit from their home to a relative’s home shortly after the death of Jackson’s father a few weeks before Jackson’s birth. Finally, Waxhaw straddles North and South Carolina which were not actually formed at the time.
Despite the confusion of many people, however, Ms. Kerr is adamant that Andrew Jackson is a son of North Carolina. Her enthusiasm for her theory is infectious and delightful.
So, whether you want to stroll through this historically rich community, sample the delicious food from the many wonderful restaurants, or browse through the beautiful creations of the local artisans, you are sure to find something fun at Waxhaw!
Carl White’s Life In The Carolinas is an Emmy nominated TV and award winning show. It airs throughout the Carolinas. For more on the show visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com